Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

writing assignments

By :


1.    Choose the book I want to read, and like it.
2.    Title of the book that I have read:
-Untuk Indonesia
3.    The author of the book I read:
-Syafii Efendi, with his friends
4.    Book publishers that I read:
-Sukses Muda Indonesia
5.    Year of publication of the book I read:
-in 2017
6.    The number of pages of the book I read:
-140 pages
7.    The picture:

8.    Quotes from book I read are:
a)    “Mengeluh Kembali Ke Masa Lalu, Tindakan Menentukan Masadepn.”[Mr.Syafii Efendi, 2017:2]
The conclusion, complaining back in the past, the action determine the future, it regets what had been done in the past, then it is used as a lesson to not do it again, and will not do what makes him regret his actions in the past.
b)    “Selama ini kita sering mengeluh, ubahlah kebiasaan itu, ingatlah bahwa masalah kita tidak akan pernah selsai hanya dengan mengeluh, justru sebaliknya masalah akan semakin terasa berat.”[Mr.Syafii Efendi, 2017:12]
The conclusion is the problem will never be solved by just complaining, complaining will not improve the situation but instead worsen the situation, because the problame must be solved by fixing it, if by complaining it actually worsens the situation instead of solving the problem.
c)    “ Impian sangatlah penting. Anda tidak akan dapat meraihnya, kecuali anda membayangkannya.” [George Lucas, 2017:17]
The conclusion is to get a good future we need to dream, but not only by dreaming we must try to make it happen so that the dream becomes a reality. Not just by imagining it, it will not be a dream that becomes a reality.
d)    “ Jika anda tidak bisa terbang, maka berlarilah. Jika anda tidak bisa berlari, berjalanlah. Jika anda tidak bisa berjalan, merangkaklah. Bagaimanapun juga teruslah bergerak.”
[Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr, 2017:18]
The conclusion is as difficult as any of our conditions should never stop to pursue ideals, because it is not a barrier to achieving it, because if we find a barrier on the path we choose, there are still many other ways as long as we never give up. Force your body and mind to focus on achieving it. Surely God will provide an easy way.
e)    “ If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” [Sun Tzu,2017:25]
The conclusion if we know the enemy, and know ourselves, we must not be afraid of the results, and a thousand warfare that prevent it as difficult as anything you will be able to deal with it.
f)     “Hanya butuh satu kesuksesan untuk menutupi ribuan kegagalan.” [Chairul Tanjung,2017:86]
The conclusion never give up with a failure, because thousands of failures will definitely get a success.
g)    “The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers. The more you seek security, the less of it you will have, and the more you pursue opportunity, the more security you will achieve.” [Brain Tracy,2017:96]
The conclusion the more you act and take great risks then you will find great success. when you take a small risk then you will get smaller results.
h)    “ Kegagalan bukanlah guru terbaik, tetapi kegagalan yang dievaliasilah sebagai guru terbaik” [Mr. Syafii Efendi, 2017:102]
The conclusion never hesitate to evaluate what has been done, because with evaluation it will be easy to get a success. keep doing so you will get it, and be someone great with a lot to learn from the experiences that have been evaluated.

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